mySortimo – Overview of the features and services of the platform
Do more than just order Sortimo products at A range of online services are available to simplify your everyday working life. Save time and increase your productivity.
Sortimo is heralding the era of digitalisation into the van racking sector with mySortimo. Configurators used to design your dream car are well known in the automotive sector – now the same is true for Sortimo van racking systems.
Configure everything you need to obtain a ready-to-use commercial vehicle through mySortimo – to enable you to work as productively as possible. After all, there’s nothing worse than looking for a tool or the right screw when you’re pressed for time. We’ll show you how to avoid this scenario.
Make the most of these online services to transform your vehicle into the perfect “work horse”:
Van racking via the configurator mySortimo configuration

Van selection
Design SR5 to meet your needs and requirements with the mySortimo configuration van racking configurator. Start by entering the details of your van to select your vehicle. This automatically identifies the dimensions and attachment points for the Sortimo SR5 van racking system and defines them for your vehicle. The basic framework is then loaded into the configurator view.
Add components
Now use your mouse to position shelves, cases, BOXXes, drawers, SR drawers and other accessories at your required locations on the shelving between the predetermined SR5 side profiles. The green marking indicates correctly fitted positions. As soon as your selected component has a green background on the shelving, simply release your mouse key and the component is positioned.
If you see a red background, it means that the selected components cannot be fitted at this position or there is a collision. In this case, simply look for an alternative position or opt for another size.
The pricing of your selection is transparent at all times. It is displayed at the bottom right of the window. When you are happy with your configuration, you can save it and place it in your shopping cart to order it directly online. During the checkout process, you need to select an installation location and preferred installation date. We’ll take care of everything else and get in touch with you.
Simply save your configuration in your account if you are not yet quite sure and would prefer a personal consultation. In the Vehicle Management section, you can send a question directly to our Customer Service Center, which will get in touch with you as quickly as possible with solutions and help or – if requested – a personal quotation. You can alternatively contact your sales consultant with the configuration ID for your vehicle (under vehicle details). This allows your sales consultant to access your configuration, discuss the plan together with you, make suggestions for improvement and provide you with a quotation.

Labelling for van racking systems using mySortimo labels:

The van racking configurator also lets you label every SR5 component. This means that you have an overview about where everything is to be stored from the configuration stage already, and naturally also in your daily work. Every SR5 component is labelled indicating what it contains – preventing lengthy searches for tools and materials.
Another benefit is the fact that you can view your inventory list for the configuration at any time. When might this be helpful? Definitely either with your next vehicle inventory or when you need to re-order components. You have the option of clearly viewing the material fitted in the vehicle at any time.
In addition, different colour coding can further help you with one colour being used for each area, purpose or grouping. For instance, the components of the van racking system with green labels contain fastening material (screws, wall plugs, etc.), while the red labels indicate health and safety as well as general equipment (gloves, load securing, etc.). Of course, you can also configure the colour codes to meet your individual requirements. As a service, we offer some assistance at workplace organisation

Tool tray inlays using mySortimo inlay

Use the inlay configurator to create individual foam inserts to store your tools, measuring equipment and other working materials tidily and safely in drawers, SR drawers or cases and BOXXes.
To do this, photograph your tools or equipment in the preferred position in which you wish them to be subsequently arranged in the tool tray inlay, or select your tools from the tool database and arrange them according to your requirements.
This means that you can store all the tools you need for a single working step together in a single SR5 drawer or in Sortimo BOXXes and cases.
The two-tone foam lets you immediately identify when a tool is missing, enabling you to detect when a tool has been left on site – a major benefit with expensive tools. But you and / or your employees will also become more sensitive and careful when handling your tools. A definite bonus for profitability.

Design your vehicle decals using the mySortimo graphics configurator:

Simply and quickly create your vehicle decals with the mySortimo graphics decal configurator. Use your company vehicle as a free advertising medium.
Firstly, use your vehicle details to select your vehicle. The silhouette of your model will appear in the next step. Thanks to the pre-designed templates, you can only edit the areas suitable for your vehicle decals. You don’t have to be a graphic designer to create effective vehicle decals simply and easily.
In addition, you can always keep an eye on the costs as they are adjusted every time the configuration changes. Before placing an order, you have the option of checking your configured decal from all angles. We also offer a professional data check, whereby your configuration will be reviewed by one of our experts.

All these Sortimo products and online services help to perfect your mobile workplace. The strategic concept of mySortimo was mainly based on the Japanese 5S methodology:
- The components of the SR5 van racking system itself make it versatile, as you can arrange every SR5 component however you need for your everyday work.
- Thanks to mySortimo labels, you can simply colour code and label every drawer, BOXX, case or SR drawer so that you or your employees or colleagues can easily find what they are looking for.
- mySortimo inlays provides individual foam inserts for drawers, cases and BOXXes, ensuring that your tools are always organised and ready to hand.
Discover more about the 5S method at
Overview of all online services in your mySortimo account
In your mySortimo account you can see all the Sortimo products you have ordered and all the configurations you saved for each vehicle, ensuring that you retain an overview of all these services and products for each of your vehicles. You can access, edit and order all saved configurations from here.
Of course, your Sortimo contact will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the products and configurators. Your contact person can use your configuration ID to access your configuration and review it or to provide you with a quotation. Your configuration ID is saved under “Vehicle details” of the relevant vehicles in your Vehicle Management section.
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